Groundwater Assessments

Strum completes numerous Level I and Level II Groundwater Assessments for Subdivision development. Level I Groundwater Assessments are screening level assessments used for a low risk of potential well water problems. They are non-intrusive in nature and rely on published data and observations.

Level II Groundwater Assessments are assessments for higher risk of well water problems, such as large developments or areas with a history of well water problems. Level II Groundwater Assessments involve drilling test wells and conducting pumping tests and water quality testing.

Groundwater Withdrawal Approvals

Strum completes hydrogeological studies to evaluate the potential effects of the proposed withdrawal on existing groundwater users and the environment. Groundwater Withdrawal Approvals are one of the key management tools to ensure that groundwater use in the province is sustainable.


Groundwater Resources Management

Strum completes groundwater resource evaluations for Industrial and Municipal supplies. Resource evaluations help to promote economic development and environmental protection by ensuring that residents and businesses relying on groundwater will have access to safe, adequate, and reliable water supplies, and by protecting the health of aquatic ecosystems.


Groundwater Monitoring

Strum develops and implements Groundwater Monitoring Programs for various projects, including Geothermal Systems, Industrial Facilities, and Municipal Supplies. Groundwater monitoring programs are implemented to track long-term trends in groundwater quality and quantity and to assess the effectiveness of Groundwater Management Programs.