

Vision to Reality

Rob McKinnon

Group Manager, Civil Engineering

Strum’s civil engineers are proud of the work they have done to expand and improve Atlantic Canada’s infrastructure and communities. Stormwater management, site grading and layout, underground services, site access and egress, sewage collection systems, potable and fire water systems, construction supervision, and specifications and tendering are just a few of the services we offer. We stand by our clients as technical experts to provide cost-effective solutions for projects in communities where we work and live.

Sample Projects

Parks of West Bedford, NS. Master planned community of several distinct neighbourhoods on over 1,000 acres.

Brian Mulroney Hall, St. Francis Xavier University – Antigonish, NS. 75,000 square foot building built to meet LEED Gold standards.

New Waterford Community Hub, NS. One of a kind multi-purpose modern wellness centre, long- term care home, new school, and community space.

Hogan Court Development – Bedford, NS. 67,500 square feet, 11 stores, 10,745 vehicles per day.

RBC Centre – Dartmouth, NS. State of the art complex with three NHL sized ice pads and an Olympic sized pad.